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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Module 3 Irrigation Engineering Principles

* Module 3 Irrigation Engineering Principles
o Lesson 1 India’s Irrigation Needs and Strategies for Development, objectives [ How can the development in irrigation be sustainable ~ What are the basic requirements of irrigation and how can they be managed ~ What are irrigation schemes and how are they classified ~ What has the nation planned about irrigation ~ What are Command Area development and participatory Irrigation Management ~ How can water be managed for irrigation ~ What should be the rationale for pricing irrigation water ~ How has irrigation progressed through ages in India ]
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o Lesson 2 Soil Water Plant Relationships, objectives [ The soil and water system that is needed for plant growth ~ Classification of soils with regards to agriculture ~ Classification of water held within soil pores ~ Soil – water constants and their significance ~ Watering interval for crops ~ Importance of water for plant growth ]
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o Lesson 3 Estimating Irrigation Demand, objectives [ How much water is required for the proper growth of important crops ~ How to estimate the water demand of crops ~ What are the different seasons of crop growth ~ What are the usual cropping patterns ~ On what variables does the crop water requirement vary? ]
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o Lesson 4 Types of Irrigation Schemes and Methods of Field Water Application, objectives [ The classification of irrigation projects in India ~ Direct and Storage methods of irrigation ~ Structures necessary for implementing irrigation projects ~ The methods employed for application of water to irrigate fields ~ Surface and subsurface methods of irrigation ~ Drip and Sprinkler irrigation systems ]
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o Lesson 5 Traditional Water Systems and Minor Irrigation Schemes, objectives [ The indigenous systems of water utilisation in India ~ Region-specific traditional water storage systems in India ]
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o Lesson 6 Canal Systems for Major and Medium Irrigation Schemes, objectives [ The canal system of irrigation under major and minor irrigation schemes ~ Components of a canal irrigation system ~ Layout of a canal irrigation system ~ Lining methods in canal irrigation ~ Negative impact of canal irrigation ]
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o Lesson 7 Design of Irrigation Canals, objectives [ The basics of irrigation canals design ~ The procedures followed to design unlined and lined canals ~ Methods for subsurface drainage of lined canals ]
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o Lesson 8 Conveyance Structures for Canal Flows, objectives [ The need for structures of a canal irrigation system for conveying water from one point to another. ~ Structures for conveying water across, over or under natural streams ~ Transitions in canals at change of cross section ]
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o Lesson 9 Regulating Structures for Canal Flows, objectives [ The necessity of providing regulating structures in canals. ~ The basics of canal drops and falls. ~ The importance of canal regulators. ~ The need for Groyne Walls, Curved Wings and Skimming Platforms. ~ The functions of escapes in a canal. ]
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o Lesson 10 Distribution and Measurement Structures for Canal Flows, objectives [ What are flow distributing and measurement structures in a canal system ~ What is the function of outlets and what are their classifications ~ What are Modules ~ How are notches and weirs used to measure flow in a canal ~ How are flumes used to measure flow in a canal ]
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