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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Module 2 The Science of Surface and Ground Water

* Module 2 The Science of Surface and Ground Water
o Lesson 1 Precipitation And Evapotranspiration, objectives [ The role of precipitation and evapotranspiration with the hydrologic cycle. ~ The factors that cause precipitation. ~ The means of measuring rainfall. ~ The way rain varies in time and space. ~ The methods to calculate average rainfall over an area. ~ What are Depth – Area – Duration curves. ~ What are the Intensity – Duration – Frequency curves. ~ The causes of anomalous rainfall record and its connective measures. ~ What are Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) and Standard Project Storm (SPS). ~ What are Actual and Potential evapotranspiration. ~ How can direct measurement of evapotranspiration be made. ~ How can evapotranspiration be estimated based on climatological data. ]
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o Lesson 2 Runoff and Infiltration, objectives [ The importance of runoff and infiltration in the hydrologic cycle. ~ What is the difference between overland flow, interflow and base flow components contributing to stream flow generation. ~ What are hydrograph and hyetographs. ~ Methods to separate infiltration from rainfall hyetographs effective rainfall. ~ Methods to separate base flow from stream hydrograph to find out the Direct Runoff Hydrograph. ]
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o Lesson 3 Rainfall Runoff Relationships, objectives [ How hydrograph varies with the catchment characteristics ~ How hydrograph varies with the rainfall characteristics ~ What is Unit Hydrograph, its assumptions and limitations ~ Application of the Unit Hydrograph to find the Direct Runoff Hydrograph ~ What is S – Curve and its applications ~ Derivation of the Unit Hydrograph for gauged catchments ~ How to estimate Unit Hydrograph for ungauged catchments ~ Conceptual and Physically based catchment rainfall – runoff models ]
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o Lesson 4 Design Flood Estimation, objectives [ How is a design flood described for a particular hydraulic structure? ~ How are design floods designated for: a) Storage Dams; b) Barrages and weirs; c) Diversion works and Coffer dams; and d) Cross drainage works, according to the Indian Standard guidelines. ~ What are the methods to calculate design floods, viz, a) The hydro-meteorological approach, and b) The statistical approach ~ The steps followed in finding out design flood by the hydro-meteorological approach, which is generally adopted for large and intermediate sized dams. ~ The steps followed in finding out design flood by the statistical approach, either by probability distributions or by the method of plotting positions. ]
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o Lesson 5 Subsurface Movement of Water, objectives [ The ways by which water moves below ground. ~ How water is stored underground in soil and fractured bedrock. ~ What is water table and its relation to saturated and unsaturated ground water. ~ Pressure measurement in unsaturated and saturated soil water. ~ The theory behind movement of water in the unsaturated zone. ~ The theory behind movement of water in the saturated zone, also called as ground water. ~ What are equipotential and flow lines. ~ What are aquifers and confining layers. ~ Qualitatively, the ground water flow movement in confined and unconfined layers. ~ The definitions of water storage, and the portion of that which can be withdra3wn from an aquifer. ]
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o Lesson 6 Principles of Ground Water Flow, objectives [ The description of steady state of ground water flow in the form of Laplace equation derived from continuity equation and Darcy’s law for ground water movement. ~ The quantitative description of unsteady state ground water flow. ~ The definition of the terms Specific Yield and Specific Storage and their relationship with Storativity of a confined aquifer. ~ The expressions for ground water flow in unconfined and confined aquifers, written in terms of Transmissivity. ~ Expression for two – dimensional flow in unconfined and confined aquifers; Boussinesq equation. ~ Expression for two – dimensional seepage flow below dams. ~ Analytical solution of steady one dimensional flow in simple cases of confined and unconfined aquifers. ]
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o Lesson 7 Well Hydraulics, objectives [ The concepts of steady and unsteady ground water flow to wells ~ Mathematical equations for water flow to wells in confined aquifers ~ Mathematical equations for water flow to wells in unconfined aquifers ~ Determination of the physical properties of confined aquifers ~ Design and installation of tube wells ]
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o Lesson 8 Flow Dynamics in Open Channels and Rivers, objectives [ The physical dynamics of water movement in open channels and rivers ~ The mathematical description of flow processes in the above cases ~ Different types of free surface flows: uniform, non uniform, etc. ~ Different channel shapes and cross sections and their representations ~ Computation steps for gradually varied water surface profiles ]
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o Lesson 9 Geomorphology of Rivers, objectives [ The components of a fluvial system ~ Mechanics of sediment erosion, transportation and deposition by rivers ~ Causes of riverbed aggradation and degradation ~ Bar formation in rivers ~ Causes of meandering, lateral migration and river width adjustment of rivers ~ Relationships between velocity, perimeter, slope, velocity, etc. of alluvial rivers ]
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o Lesson 10 Sediment Dynamics in Alluvial Rivers and Channels, objectives [ The mechanics of sediment movement in alluvial rivers ~ Different types of bed forms in alluvial rivers ~ Quantitative assessment of sediment transport ~ Resistance equations for flow ~ Bed level changes in alluvial channels due to natural and artificial causes ~ Mathematical modelling of sediment transport ]
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