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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Powder and Bulk Engineering International Sep/Oct-2008

Powder and Bulk Engineering International [ISSN 1098-6480] is pub -lished six times a year in January, March, May, July, September, and November by CSC Publishing, Inc., 1155 Northland Drive, St. Paul, MN 55120. After several years of not being published, Powder and Bulk Engineering International is back!


Basic criteria for selecting a bagging system Walter Kersting
Case History: FFS bagging adds flexibility at feed plant
Case History: Conveyor dryers increase capacity, ensure quality at
Thai Luxe
A preview of new products on display at POWTECH 2008
POWTECH 2008 exhibitor list


Industry news
Engineering literature: Bin Dischargers
Equipment feature: Bagging and Packaging
Equipment feature: Drying
Engineering literature: Rotary Airlocks
Product update
Supplier news
People news
Advertiser index

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