Author Gu, Yahong
URN etd-02202004-160557
Title Integrating a Regional Planning Model (TRANSIMS) With an Operational Model (CORSIM)
Degree Master of Science
Department Civil Engineering
Advisory Committee
Advisor Name Title
Antoine G. Hobeika Committee Chair
Antonio A. Trani Committee Member
Sam C. Tignor Committee Member
* Evacuation
* Sub area focusing
* Transportation planning
* Traffic operation
Date of Defense 2004-02-09
Availability unrestricted
TRANSIMS is a disaggregate, behavioral, regional transportation planning package developed by Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) under funding from US DOT, EPA, and Department of Energy. It is an integrated system of travel forecasting models designed to give transportation planners accurate, complete information on traffic impacts, congestion, and pollution by simulating on a second-by-second basis the movements of every person and every vehicle through the transportation network of a large metropolitan area. This regional microsimulation approach provides a better assessment of the performance of a large network than the current link performance functions utilized in the current planning procedures. On the other hand, their microsimulation approach on a regional scale requires a lot of data that may not be readily available, and utilize a low fidelity microsimulation in order to make it operational. Some agencies may be interested in performing a more detailed investigation of traffic patterns within a sub area, such as the downtown area. The author implemented a subarea focusing methodology within TRANSIMS and also developed an interface that allows the investigator to use a high-fidelity, small-size network efficient traffic operational software package – CORSIM to perform sub area traffic operational analysis with demand and network extracted from applications of TRANSIMS. This methodology will allow TRANSIMS to take advantage of higher fidelity models for sub-network analysis and allow CORSIM to use planning inputs such as individual 24 hour travel activities and trip chains. An evacuation model is also built and applied to Virginia Tech main campus, Blacksburg, VA to evaluate this sub area focusing methodology.
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