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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Computer Program for the Analysis of Loads on Buildings Using the ASCE 7-93 Standard Minimum Design Loads on Buildings and Other Structures

Type of Document Technical Report
Author Browning, Stephen E.
Author's Email Address
URN etd-4598-20210
Title Computer Program for the Analysis of Loads on Buildings Using the ASCE 7-93 Standard Minimum Design Loads on Buildings and Other Structures
Degree Master of Engineering
Department Civil Engineering
Advisory Committee
Advisor Name Title
Kamal B. Rojiani Committee Chair
Don A. Garst Committee Member
W. Samuel Easterling Committee Member

* special loads
* wind loads
* earthquake loads
* snow loads
* load analysis
* computer program
* building loads

Date of Defense 1998-04-27
Availability unrestricted

A computer program for the analysis of loads on buildings is developed. The program determines wind loads, earthquake loads, and snow loads according to the ASCE 7-93 Standard Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE 7-93). The program is developed using the object-oriented programming methodology and runs on the Microsoft Windows 95 graphical environment. It is a valuable and useful tool for determining loads on buildings.

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