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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Wavelet Transforms: Introduction to Theory & Applications

Prentice Hall PTR | 1998-09 | ISBN: 0201634635 | 310 pages | Djvu | 9,89 MB

*Dr. Rao's approach to the Wavelet Transform takes a less traditional method to the study of this complex field. His text starts with a firm development of the fundamentals. This provides a secure foundation for the intermediate level topics to follow. He ends the book with some complex developments and new directions taken by the transform. His approach is mathematical but never looses sight of the practicality of the transform. Applications and examples are peppered throughout the text to provide the reader with reinforcing tools. Relevant exercises and projects are also provided along with Matlab routines to perform most of the topics discussed. A great text and a valuable reference. Attention is paid to the development of Filter Banks and the relationship to the Wavelet Transform. A background in Digital Filtering is recommended to any reader. Wavelet Packets are discussed along with topics in Image Compression, Denoising, Edge and Object Detection and general Wavelet Filter Design.

*This book has been written in an easy to read and understand fashion without compromising on the fundamentals. If you wonder what wavelets can do, or what they are, start with this book. Highly recommended for anyone who is starting to learn about wavelets.

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