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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Module 6 Approximate Methods for Indeterminate Structural Analysis

* Module 6 Approximate Methods for Indeterminate Structural Analysis
o Lesson 35 Indeterminate Trusses and Industrial Frames, objectives: Make suitable approximations so that an indeterminate structure is reduced to a determinate structure ~ Analyse indeterminate trusses by approximate methods ~ Analyse industrial frames and portals by approximate methods –contents– [ Indeterminate Trusses: Parallel-chord trusses with two diagonals in each panel ~ Industrial frames and portals ]

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o Lesson 36 Building Frames, objectives: Analyse building frames by approximate methods for vertical loads ~ Analyse building frames by the cantilever method for horizontal loads ~ Analyse building frame by the portal method for horizontal loads –contents– [ Analysis of Building Frames to Vertical Loads ~ Analysis of Building Frames to lateral (horizontal) Loads ]

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* Module 7 Influence Lines
o Lesson 37 Moving Load and Its Effects on Structural Members, objectives: Understand the moving load effect in simpler term ~ Study various definitions of influence line ~ Introduce to simple procedures for construction of influence lines –contents– [ Definitions of influence line ~ Construction of Influence Lines ~ Numerical Examples ~ Influence line for beam having point load and uniformly distributed load acting at the same time ]

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o Lesson 38 Influence Lines for Beams, objectives: How to draw qualitative influence lines? ~ Understand the behaviour of the beam under rolling loads ~ Construction of influence line when the beam is loaded with uniformly distributed load having shorter or longer length than the span of the beam –contents– [ Muller Breslau Principle for Qualitative Influence Lines ~ Maximum shear in beam supporting UDLs ~ Maximum bending moment at sections in beams supporting UDLs ~ Closing Remarks ]

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o Lesson 39 Influence Lines for Beams (Contd.), objectives: Construction of influence line for maximum shear at sections in a beam supporting two concentrated loads ~ Construction of influence line for maximum moment at sections in a beam supporting two concentrated loads ~ Construction of influence line for maximum end shear in a beam supporting a series of moving concentrated loads ~ Construction of influence line for maximum shear at a section in a beam supporting a series of moving concentrated loads ~ Construction of influence line for maximum moment at a section in a beam supporting a series of moving concentrated loads ~ Construction of influence line for absolute maximum moment in s beam supporting a series of moving concentrated loads ~ Understanding about the envelopes of maximum influence line values –contents– [ Maximum shear at sections in a beam supporting two concentrated loads ~ Maximum moment at sections in a beam supporting two concentrated loads ~ Maximum end shear in a beam supporting a series of moving concentrated loads ~ Maximum shear at a section in a beam supporting a series of moving concentrated loads ~ Maximum Moment at a section in a beam supporting a series of moving concentrated loads ~ Absolute maximum moment in s beam supporting a series of moving concentrated loads ~ Envelopes of maximum influence line values ]

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o Lesson 40 Influence Lines for Simple Trusses, objectives: Understand the bridge truss floor system and load transfer mechanism ~ Draw the influence line for the truss reactions ~ Draw the influence line for the truss member forces –contents– [ Bridge Truss Floor System ~ Influence lines for truss support reaction ~ Influence lines for truss member forces ]

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