Language: English
ISBN: 1852336072
Paperback: 396 pages
Data: November 24, 2004
Format: PDF
Description: Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery reflects the overwhelming need for such a book as this specialisation proceeds apace. The book covers all the foregut except the liver, bile duct and pancreas, looking at the diverse anatomy and physiology, the functions and the disease processes. The book reflects a significant change in the management of certain conditions, as our understanding of disease has improved. Technical developments have moved surgery forward; minimally invasive surgery being the treatment of choice for most upper GI operations for benign disease. With cancers of the upper GI tract being common, and with our understanding more of the genetic profile of tumours, we have identified premalignant lesions and cancer surgery is now targeted to allow stage appropriate therapies. This book gives a current and concise summary of all key topics within the specialty and concentrates on recent developments. Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery brings together an international group of contributors, all experts in their field, to provide a text for specialists and trainees.
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