Most successful corrosion engineers today have developed their skill under the guidance of a mentor who acquired knowledge through years of experience. This book cannot replace experience but it will provide the reader with a better understanding of basic principles of corrosion and corrosion protection so that both old and new problems can be dealt with.
This is a non-mathematical approach, assuming no knowledge of basic science. The bare minimum of chemistry and metallurgy needed to understand corrosion is provided here. To make sure the reader has grasped the main points, each chapter is followed by multiple-choice questions - over 175 in all. Terms that might be unclear are defined at the end of each chapter and are also listed in the index for quick reference. There are more than 450 terms that might be encountered in a wide range of industries.
The author holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in chemistry, a Ph.D. in metallurgy, plus electronics training in the U.S. Army Signal Corps school. He has had ten years industrial experience in metallurgy and chemistry and thirty years experience making corrosion understandable to students, both undergraduates and professionals. He is a registered professional engineer, consulting in corrosion and metal failures.
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