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Monday, September 8, 2008

Compression Members

# Module 10 Compression Members

* Lesson 21 Definitions, Classifications, Guidelines and Assumptions [ Definitions ~ Classification of Columns Based on Types of Reinforcement ~ Classification of Columns Based on Loadings ~ Classification of Columns Based on Slenderness Ratios ~ Braced and unbraced columns ~ Longitudinal Reinforcement ~ Transverse Reinforcement ~ Pitch and Diameter of Lateral Ties ~ Helical Reinforcement ~ Assumptions in the Design of Compression Members by Limit State of Collapse ~ Minimum Eccentricity ]


# Lesson 22 Short Axially Loaded Compression Members [ Further Assumptions Regarding the Strengths of Concrete and Steel ~ Governing Equation for Short Axially Loaded Tied Columns ~ Governing Equation of Short Axially Loaded Columns with Helical Ties ~ Illustrative Examples ]


# Lesson 23 Short Compression Members under Axial Load with Uniaxial Bending [ Behaviour of Short Columns under Axial Load and Uniaxial Moment ~ Modes of Failure of Columns ~ Compressive Stress Block of Concrete when the Neutral Axis Lies Outside the Section ~ Determination of Compressive Stress Anywhere in the Section when the Neutral Axis Lies outside the Section ~ Compressive Stress Block of Concrete when the Neutral Axis is within the Section ~ Determination of Compressive Stress Anywhere in the Compressive Zone when the Neutral Axis is within the Section ~ Tensile and Compressive Stresses of Longitudinal Steel ]


# Lesson 24 Preparation of Design Charts [ Design Parameters ~ Non-dimensional Equation of Equilibrium when k = , (Pure Axial Load) ~ Non-dimensional Equations of Equilibrium when Neutral Axis is Outside the Section (∞ > kD ≥ D) ~ Non-dimensional Equations of Equilibrium when the Neutral Axis is within the Section (kD <>


# Lesson 25 Design of Short Columns under Axial Load with Uniaxial Bending [ Design Charts of SP-16 ~ Approximations and Limitations of Design Charts of SP-16 ~ Use of Design Charts in the Analysis Type of Problems ]


# Lesson 26 Short Compression Members under Axial Load with Biaxial Bending [ Biaxial Bending ~ Interaction Surface ~ Limitation of Interaction Surface ~ IS Code Method for Design of Columns under Axial Load and Biaxial Bending ~ Solution of Problems using IS Code Method ]


# Lesson 27 Slender Columns [ Concentrically Loaded Columns ~ Slender Columns under Axial Load and Uniaxial Moment ~ Effective Length of Columns ~ Determination of Sway or No Sway Column ~ Design of Slender Columns ~ Additional Moment Method ~ Illustrative Example ]


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