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Monday, September 8, 2008

AutoCAD Civil 3D 2008 Tutorials

Download AutoCAD Civil 3D 2008 Tutorials. The free download file is in PDF format with 216 pages. Contents are shown after the jump.

Chapter 1
Welcome to the AutoCAD Civil 3D Tutorials Getting More Information Saving Your
Tutorial Drawings

Chapter 2 Getting Started Tutorials Tutorial: Using Basic Functionality Tutorial: Understanding the Workspace Tutorial: Using the Panorama Window Tutorial: Changing the Display of An Object Tutorial: Using the Object Viewer Tutorial: Using Labels Exercise 1: Moving Individual Labels Exercise 2: Changing Label Appearance Exercise 3: Controlling Label Appearance Using Layers Exercise 4: Overriding Label Text

Chapter 3 Points Tutorials Tutorial: Creating Point Data Exercise 1: Creating Description Keys Exercise 2: Creating Point Groups Exercise 3: Importing Points from a Database Tutorial: Displaying and Editing Points Exercise 1: Displaying an Externally Referenced Drawing Exercise 2: Changing the Style of a Point Group Exercise 3: Changing Point Group Display Order Exercise 4: Removing an Externally Referenced Drawing Exercise 5: Editing Points Tutorial: Adding User-Defined Properties to Points Exercise 1: Creating User-Defined Properties Exercise 2: Creating a Label Style That Displays a User-Defined Property . Exercise 3: Assigning User-Defined Properties to Points Exercise 4: Importing Points with User-Defined Properties Exercise 5: Querying User-Defined Property Information

Chapter 4 Surfaces Tutorials Tutorial: Creating and Adding Data to a Surface Exercise 1: Creating a New TIN Surface Exercise 2: Adding Point Data to a Surface Exercise 3: Adding Breaklines to a Surface Exercise 4: Adding an Outer Boundary to a Surface Tutorial: Changing the Surface Style and Display Exercise 1: Editing the Surface Style Exercise 2: Using a Different Style for a Surface Exercise 3: Labeling a Surface Tutorial: Editing Surface Data Exercise 1: Swapping TIN Edges Exercise 2: Deleting TIN Lines Exercise 3: Adding a Hide Boundary Exercise 4: Smoothing a Surface Tutorial: Creating a Watershed and Water Drop Analysis Exercise 1: Configuring a Style for Watershed Display Exercise 2: Generating a Watershed Analysis Exercise 3: Creating a Watershed Legend Exercise 4: Extracting Objects from a Surface Exercise 5: Creating a Water Drop Analysis Tutorial: Generating Surface Volume Information Exercise 1: Creating the Base and Comparison Surfaces . Exercise 2: Creating a TIN Volume Surface Exercise 3: Creating a Composite Volume Calculation . . Tutorial: Visualizing Surface Data Exercise 1: Moving Multi-View Blocks to a Surface Exercise 2: Rendering a Surface

Chapter 5 Survey Tutorials Tutorial: Survey Setup Exercise 1: Setting Up the Database and Drawing Exercise 2: Setting the Equipment and Figure Prefix Databases Exercise 3: Adjusting and Verifying Settings Exercise 4: Setting Survey Styles Tutorial: Importing and Viewing Survey Data Exercise 1: Importing from a Field Book File Exercise 2: Viewing Survey Data Exercise 3: Editing a Figure Exercise 4: Removing an Erroneous Figure Tutorial: Analyzing and Reducing Survey Data Exercise 1: Querying Survey Data Exercise 2: Performing Traverse Analysis Exercise 3: Performing Least Squares Analysis Tutorial: Manually Creating Survey Data Exercise 1: Creating Survey Data Using the Toolspace Survey Tab Exercise 2: Creating Survey Data Using the Traverse Editor Exercise 3: Creating Survey Data Using the Survey Command Window Exercise 4: Calculating an Azimuth in The Astronomic Direction Calculator . Exercise 5: Creating Figures from Parcels Tutorial: Outputting Survey Information Exercise 1: Viewing Inverse and Mapcheck Information Exercise 2: Creating Surface Breaklines from Figures

Chapter 6 Project Management Tutorials Tutorial: Using Data Shortcuts Exercise 1: Renaming Objects for Sharing Exercise 2: Creating and Exporting Data Shortcuts Exercise 3: Importing and Referencing Data Shortcuts Tutorial: Database Setup Exercise 1: Logging In to Autodesk Vault Exercise 2: Creating User Accounts and Groups Exercise 3: Creating a Project Tutorial: Creating, Referencing, and Modifying Project Object Data . Exercise 1: Adding a Drawing to the Project Exercise 2: Creating a Reference to a Project Object Exercise 3: Checking Out and Modifying a Project Object Exercise 4: Checking In a Project Object Exercise 5: Updating a Project Object Tutorial: Creating and Modifying Project Point Data Exercise 1: Adding Points to a Project Exercise 2: Checking Out and Modifying Project Points Exercise 3: Checking In Project Points

Chapter 7 Alignments Tutorials Tutorial: Creating Alignments Exercise 1: Creating an Alignment with Spirals and Curves Exercise 2: Creating an Alignment Subentity by Best Fit Exercise 3: Adding Free Curves and Spirals to an Alignment Exercise 4: Adding Floating Curves with Spirals to an Alignment Tutorial: Editing Alignments Exercise 1: Editing the Attribute Values of an Alignment Exercise 2: Grip Editing an Alignment Design Exercise 3: Working with Labels for Alignments

Chapter 8 Profiles Tutorials Tutorial: Using Surface Profiles Exercise 1: Creating and Displaying Surface Profiles Exercise 2: Changing the Profile Style Exercise 3: Reviewing Surface Profile Characteristics Tutorial: Using Layout Profiles Exercise 1: Creating a Layout Profile Exercise 2: Editing a Layout Profile Exercise 3: Copying a Profile and Offsetting it Vertically . Tutorial: Displaying and Modifying Profile Views Exercise 1: Editing the Profile View Style Exercise 2: Working with Profile Labels Exercise 3: Working with Profile View Data Bands Exercise 4: Splitting a Profile View Exercise 5: Creating Multiple Profile Views

Chapter 9 Parcels Tutorials Tutorial: Creating Parcels Exercise 1: Creating Parcels from AutoCAD Objects . Exercise 2: Creating Individual Parcels by Layout Exercise 3: Creating Multiple Parcels by Layout Exercise 4: Working with Alignments and Parcels Tutorial: Editing Parcel Data Exercise 1: Slide Angle Editing of Parcel Size Exercise 2: Swing Line Editing of Parcel Size Tutorial: Displaying and Analyzing Parcels Exercise 1: Displaying and Editing Segment Labels Exercise 2: Changing Parcel Style Display Order Exercise 3: Exporting Parcel Data

Chapter 10 Grading Tutorials Tutorial: Setting up Grading Standards Exercise 1: Reviewing Grading Settings Exercise 2: Creating Grading Criteria Exercise 3: Creating Grading Styles Tutorial: Creating Gradings Exercise 1: Creating Feature Lines Exercise 2: Creating a Grading Tutorial: Editing Gradings Exercise 1: Editing the Grading Elevation Exercise 2: Adjusting the Cut and Fill Volumes . Exercise 3: Editing the Grading Criteria

Chapter 11 Corridors Tutorials Tutorial: Creating a Simple Corridor Model Exercise 1: Creating a Simple Assembly Exercise 2: Creating a Simple Corridor Exercise 3: Viewing and Modifying the Corridor Model Tutorial: Creating a Corridor Model With a Transition Lane Exercise 1: Creating an Assembly with a Transition Lane Exercise 2: Creating a Corridor with a Transition Lane Tutorial: Creating a Divided Highway Exercise 1: Viewing the Superelevation Properties of an Alignment . Exercise 2: Creating a Divided Highway Assembly Exercise 3: Creating a Divided Highway Corridor Exercise 4: Viewing and Editing the Divided Highway Corridor Tutorial: Viewing and Rendering a Corridor Exercise 1: Creating Corridor Surfaces Exercise 2: Creating Corridor Surface Boundaries Exercise 3: Visualizing a Corridor Tutorial: Displaying Cross Sections on an Alignment Exercise 1: Creating Sample Lines Exercise 2: Creating Section Views Exercise 3: Adding a Section View Grade Label Exercise 4: Adding a Data Band to a Section View Tutorial: Quantity Takeoff from Corridor Models Exercise 1: Reviewing Quantity Takeoff Settings Exercise 2: Calculating Quantity Takeoff Volumes

Chapter 12 Pipe Network Tutorials Tutorial: Creating a Pipe Network Exercise 1: Creating a Pipe Network Exercise 2: Adding Additional Parts to the Pipe Network Tutorial: Changing Pipe Network Properties Exercise 1: Adding Parts to the Parts List Exercise 2: Changing the Surface, Alignment and Rules Configuration . Exercise 3: Adding a Branch to a Pipe Network Tutorial: Viewing and Editing Pipe Networks Exercise 1: Drawing Pipe Network Parts in a Profile View Exercise 2: Adding Labels to Pipe Network Parts Exercise 3: Editing Pipe Network Parts in a Profile View Exercise 4: Overriding the Style of a Pipe Network Part in a Profile View . Exercise 5: Viewing Pipe Network Parts in a Section View Exercise 6: Creating Pipe and Structure Tables

Chapter 13 Plan Production Tutorials Tutorial: Using the Plan Production Tools Exercise 1: Configuring Viewports Exercise 2: Creating View Frames Exercise 3: Creating Sheets Tutorial Folder Locations Index.


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