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Monday, September 8, 2008

Asphalt Maintenance and Repair

File : pdf, 727 KB, 51 pages


1 Introduction
1.1. Scope
1.2. References

2 Purpose and Types of Maintenance and Repair
2.1. Purpose
2.2. Types of Maintenance and Repair
2.3. Repair Options
2.4. Importance of Weather

3 Full-Depth and Partial-Depth Patches
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Procedural Steps (Full-Depth Patch)
3.3. Procedural Steps (Partial-Depth Patch)
3.4. Problem Areas

4 Sprayed Asphalt Surface Treatments
4.1. Prime Coat
4.2. Procedural Steps (Prime Coat)
4.3. Problem Areas (Prime Coat)
4.4. Tack Coat
4.5. Procedural Steps (Tack Coat)
4.6. Problem Areas (Tack Coat)
4.7. Fog Seals and Rejuvenators
4.8. Procedural Steps (Fog Seals and Rejuvenators)
4.9. Problem Areas (Fog Seals and Rejuvenators)

5 Sprayed Asphalt with Surface Aggregate
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Single Bituminous Surface Treatment
5.3. Procedural Steps (SBST)
5.4. Problem Areas (SBST)
5.5. Multiple Bituminous Surface Treatment
5.6. Procedural Steps (DBST)
5.7. Problem Areas (DBST)
5.8. Sandseal
5.9. Sand Application and Rolling

6 Asphalt Slurry Seals
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Mixture Materials
6.3. Procedural Steps
6.4. Problem Areas

7 Patching (Filling Ruts and Depressions)
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Procedural Steps
7.3. Problem Areas

8 Porous Friction Surfaces
8.1. Introduction
8.2. Sealing Cracks
8.3. Patching PFS
8.4. Raveling Control
8.5. Patching Using Standard Hot-Asphalt Plant Mix


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