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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Advanced Calculus

Here's the textbook's chapter titles: 1) Partial Differentiation, 2) Vectors, 3) Differential Geometry', 4) Applications of Partial Differentation, 5) Stieltjes Integral, 6) Multiple Integrals, 7) Line and Surface Integrals, 8) Limits and Indeterminate Forms, 9) Infinite Series, 10) Convergence of Improper Integrals, 11) The Gamma Function. Evaluation of Definite Integrals, 12) Fourier Series, 13) The Laplace Transform, 14) Applications of the Laplace Transform.

The book may be considered as being written in the ole' school style. It was written by a former Professor of Mathematics at Harvard and was first printed in 1947. The relatively low cost of the textbook may be attributed to it not having been `updated' for a while, being devoid of any color, and being softbound. It has some worked out examples but focuses more on established theorems and lemmas to solve problems. The book is fairly well organized and is overall a good reference book.

I really believe that this book does an excellent job at teaching such a difficult topic. "Advanced Calculus" is just packed with proofs and stimulating problems. This should be the text used to teach the subject. If you intend to tutor yourself on the topic or you are actually taking the class, this book is a must. I am currently using this as a secondary text to an advanced calculus class I am taking, and, as far as I'm concerned, this is the only text I need. This book does, in such a small package, more than you'll ever need. I recommend one purchases this book at the multi-varialbe calculus level and use it through your time in analysis courses. This is a must have for all math majors.
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