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Monday, August 4, 2008

Introduction to Plumbing and HVAC design

Plumbing and Heating, Ventilation and Air conditioning (HVAC) is an importance element in every building, The plumbing design criteria are : American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE) Handbooks & Standards, Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) Standards Manual and more. A forced air ventilation system will be provided for the operating floor area of the PS. The system will utilize wall mounted fans for supply and for exhaust. The supply air system will consist of hoods, louvers, fans and filters for air intake supply; and hoods, louvers, and fans for exhaust. The ventilation system will remove the heat gains from the equipment as well as supply make up air for the engine air intakes. AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS The operator control/break room will be mechanically cooled with a design temperature of 70 degrees with humidity control to keep monitoring equipment cool and dry. The room will be served by a dedicated, commercial DX split system, with air handler inside and condensing unit located in the station. Outside Design Conditions, Interior Design Conditions. Accurate determination U-values and shading coefficients, and wall/roof U-values from architectural design. Cooling Water Supply System : The cooling water supply system will be a once-through system for cooling engine jacket water, engine lube oil, re-circulated fuel, and gear reducer lube oil. Each emergency generator set will have an engine driven cooling pump connected to a Kiel Cooler. Engine make-up water will be non-softened. Element and material : Suction case, bowl assembly discharge case : Cast iron, ASTM A48, Class 30; or stainless steel (cast), Impeller: Stainless steel (cast).


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