A significant clinical reference, with contributions from internationally recognized authorities in otolaryngology. This invaluable text for otolaryngologists and residents emphasizes current clinical diagnosis and therapy, appropriate surgical techniques and critical evaluation of alternative methods of treatment. It provides consistently high-quality illustrations, with 95% of the line art created by a single illustrator, Tony Pazos. Each chapter offers information on diagnosis, surgical and non-surgical treatment, complications, emergencies and future trends. Highlights (5-10 key points to remember) appear at the end of each chapter and clinical indications are found within many chapters.
Ten years ago we accepted the challenging task of creating a new comprehensive textbook dealing with the specialty of head and neck surgery — otolaryngology. We are pleased to report the success of our first two editions, and are enthusiastic about the additions, improvements, and updated information in this third edition. Since you are taking the time to read this preface, you are obviously interested in the who, what, and why of our efforts, so we will share our vision with you in the next few paragraphs.
A group of experienced teacher-surgeons set off on a journey toward the common goal of creating a learning system that was organized in a new way that would facilitate the cognitive mastery of our specialty. We have worked together again for two years, and have also enlisted many new expert authors, in order to fashion the product you are holding in your hands.
“More than a textbook — it’s a learning system,” is the phrase we have uttered repeatedly. What does such a claim mean to you? Why should you believe in our concept or invest in our work?
To bring this novel idea into being, first and foremost we have sought the most important, new scientific information — content relevant to the fundamental decisions we make in caring for patients. We have organized this information into a sound educational format with the following key features:
— Consistent and balanced chapter elements
— Extensive use of summary tables
— Creation of clear new illustrations
— Highlight summaries at the end of each chapter for emphasis
The end result is a comprehensive, high-quality two-volume set that is “reader friendly,” yet effective in its facilitation of the process by which physicians achieve clinical competence in a specialty.
We take great pride in the success achieved by our editorial team in attracting many of the finest authors in each subspecialty category, communicating our vision to them, and encouraging them to work within our publishing deadlines. The spectacular illustrations by Tony Pazos and Christine Gralapp have enhanced the written word very effectively and have clarified the complex subjects to be understood. We have enjoyed working with the seasoned international support team at Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, who have helped to refine our initial ideas and expand our understanding of educational psychology and its interface with modern medical publishing.
We have arrived together once more at the moment when our vision becomes a reality. Months of teamwork now have been transformed into tangible volumes that are available for your use — for your further education — toward the benefits of better care for your patients.
Some have asked: “Do we really need another textbook in this specialty?” Yes, we do. I am even more certain that we need a learning system. We have taken a major step toward that goal, and we eagerly await your criticism and your suggestions for improvement.
It is an honor to provide these thoughts on behalf of this illustrious editorial team of head and neck surgeons — otolaryngologists. We welcome your decision to embark with us on this journey toward a higher level of medical understanding.